Finding the right information and access to the site operator - a separate, sometimes a very painful subject. In the search for the desired lines of text, USSD-command or a phone number sometimes has pumped tens of megabytes of "ore", and on all occasions bookmarks menu in your browser is not impossible to satiate.
Why not make some services outside and not to drive traffic to empty? In fact the site operator - not scored the eyeballs advertising free, no one here does not collect advertising money from unnecessary clicks Internet sufferers. However, our favorite GSM-feds do not really willing to tackle the optimization of Internet communication with their customers. In this connection, even not very successful attempts in some way to meet customers deserve the sincere respect and careful consideration. What we now do close: watch a new program Desktop Communicator operator MegaFon-Moscow.
The news of the "newborn" look here, the program itself (zip-file 1,6 Mb) can be taken at the operator's website. Touches the title of the press release: "All useful information about MegaFon - in one place." Presumably, all the remaining 98% of content copyright easily categorized as "useless information". But let us not cavil at the wording, the idea certainly is useful and worthy of further development (pah-pah, do not jinx it would be a good beginning). The original idea - put in a user's computer a control panel with easy access to the most popular services: checking account balance, sending SMS-messages, guide service, feedback and management info-channels. As a free bonus - a screensaver and a simple but quite functional mini-organizer with reminders of upcoming events.
A separate theme - delivery to the computer news virtually at the moment they are published on the site. Of course, preferably a permanent connection to the Internet, but that today few people are surprised. News indeed delivered and that no less valuable, the process is configurable, and adjusting, by setting the periods to complete shutdown. That categorically can not customize, so it's shape and form of corporate mega-clock on the screen: Do not like it - do not eat. Personally I have a purple ball with conventional arrows without the dial for some reason did not cause enthusiasm, but it's a matter of taste.
Her Majesty free SMS Certainly not be mistaken in suggesting that 90% of visitors to the site operator go there solely for sending free SMS-messages. Numerous third-party services and robots forced to defend themselves against the mass use of the site for sending SMS, hence all these glazolomnye passwords in graphic files with numbers, not susceptible to automatic text recognition. In this sense, the Desktop Communicator does not contain any miracles and revelations: the program ingeniously opens the corresponding page. This brings to mind a unique creation of programmers Beeline - a program Beeonlie-Express! In fact - a little special SMS-client with my address book, user preferences and other attributes of this software. Existing restrictions (number of SMS per unit time and within a day) were present, but the average user is not strained. In this sense, the Desktop Communicator life easier, but not drastically.
Money through love Tools for tracking the balance in the Desktop Communicator is present, but to fully appreciate its functionality was not possible.Perhaps, the program works perfectly in the bond "with a specialized version of the free MegaFon Mobile Balance (take here), but in my case (a full-featured multi-operator version Mobile Balance) Desktop Communicator sent to the appropriate page Service Guide. That, in general, well, too, and will fully satisfy most users. Incidentally, the characteristic detail: at the same time with the birth Desktop Communicator from the site operator completely disappeared references to the "MegaFon-Balance" - coincidence?
For more "goodies" Organizer, screensaver and other facilities / decorations - at the discretion of consumers of such software products. Swaying or floating (adjustable) watch in the end may also be useful, but the included sound files alerts very well. If you do not need - all of this additional grace can be easily disabled, for which the developer of a single thank you very much.
Biased summaries Desktop Communicator definitely good and will find its customer. Particularly attracted to the instantaneous delivery of news, and the extra traffic we do not need here on the page to send SMS and Service Guide, we find ourselves immediately and without extra clicks. Hidden dream - to get something like this in all the major operators at once and in one bottle, but it is unlikely. Is that attend to other manufacturers. The irony of fate online communication with customers is bothered MegaFon, a site which is already not very hungry for our with your Internet traffic. Born there something similar in the bowels of Beeline, with its insanely hard Biofisom - it's hard to say, although there is a similar solution would be more than demand. MTS also updated the site would not prevent a simplified direct access to the CCIS - oh, sorry, to "internet assistant". Although in the case of MTS instant delivery of news has served to poor service site administrators, "unexpected" appearance of a three-day news and more years ago would have caused the puzzled questions of users. Amen, Desktop Communicator welcome and look forward to the next version of the program - can do without flying across the screen MegaFon butuzikov in the form of hours.