About Apple: Instead of joining

Dear readers! We present to you the site "About Apple». He called the site, as such, and is the first in the practice of MR separate unit. Well, almost independent, because the link is still on the first page. However, the materials in this site will not appear on the first page (with rare exceptions), although there will appear in a list of articles and reviews. Over time, will have its own news feed, which will keep you informed about everything HOT, what's happening in the world of Apple. It is quite possible that this site will be tested a variety of chips, which then you'll see on the site of the "big", a sort of training ground.

What you'll read here? Everything somehow related to Apple - phones, laptops, computers, monitors, accessories, software, experience, opinions, digests, and so on. We're not trying to tear out of context a product and develop the infrastructure around it, because at present the company provides the opportunity to create their own universe through different things, it is possible to have different attitudes, but it is impossible not to respect this desire. In addition, millions of consumers around the world alone get involved in this game, because they do not say nothing about what to buy even the smallest iPod is dangerous for the wallet, and then want another slice of apple.

Why do it? This undertaking has caused much debate within the editorial board, but in the end our opinions became united. The network is not so many sites about Apple with a human face, how best to explain, we do not know. But it would be interesting to read is not licked fans' reviews of various things, not divorced from life "blogopodobnye" notes, and do not leave the impression of bowing his knees an article about gorgeous gadgets. Human life with the production company, a man who has his head on his shoulders and can make the right conclusions, that's what us curious. Perhaps the first articles on our website will be up slightly in the format that reflects, but the work and time to do their job. That humanity is put at the forefront. In our opinion, it is truly important.

How will it look? Quite generally, next to the link on the home page will periodically appear one or another Tsiferki, indicating that the site "About Apple» article appeared, one, two, three or four (or five). You visit, viewing, discussing, if there is something to discuss. If the next day tsiferok no means and no articles. Moreover, news is not concerned when it appears, the news and so will appear constantly, without any tsiferok. We will try to write at least two or three articles a week for a given site in the first stage is not to the detriment of the rest of the site materials. Naturally, we began to look for people who can offer interesting topics for the site - namely, that interesting, so that everyone can think about and offer something of their own.

Who are doing this? Articles will be familiar to you to write to editors of the site of pain, almost everything. Of course, we will be glad to hear your thoughts about our bold initiatives are welcome any ideas.

Who can help us? In addition to readers, whose criticisms will improve in general, everything we invite you to cooperate representatives from companies that sell Apple products and want to tell you something about the market in our country, we consider the possibility of testing any software, accessories, additions and so on. Our small site may well help you in your work, and readers will be satisfied by finding useful things. Yes, even if you just vozite here supereksklyuzivnye blankets for Mac - please, we can make good stuff about it (sometimes even free). In addition, from the first material we decided not to avoid the names of stores where they were purchased or other items, we truly believe that for Apple users, this information may be useful, especially when it comes to specialized points of sales (and also we will be a little test ).

The result? As a result, we would make an interesting information platform "About Apple», which would benefit the owners and aesthetic pleasure art stamps, and those who only thinks about its acquisition. Therefore, you will enjoy reading and see you on the website "About Apple».