VIP-rate "FASHION": Welcome, or No Trespassing
The technical side of implementation of such free communication within the community is no difficulty, a few years ago manufacturers GSM-infrastructure, actively promoted the possibility of allocating groups of users with their intra-group rates and special services. Basically this opportunity to position itself as an enterprise solution for large, but geographically fragmented company. In Russia, this function GSM-network of specially do not like, although attempts have been. In VimpelCom remember once existed special fares "Brigada" - I do not know how the story ended as a result of this TA. If the title of "Brigade" reflects the target audience of the tariff, then the assumption can be very different - for example, subscribers just naturally ended up in the course of their professional activities.
Since the club closed fare "Fashion" on the site MegaFon detailed information about it is missing, but anyone can look at his options here. Monthly fee is $ 30 for federal and $ 60 for a direct number.On the free calls within the Fashion-Community has already been said, other "goodies":
- Free beautiful room;
- Opportunity to call on the five "favorite numbers" are priced at $ 0.03 per minute;
- Incoming calls for a flat fee of $ 0.06 with all federal mobile networks and $ 0.12 to MGTS and direct numbers of MTS (fee for Internet connection);
- Free incoming calls from MegaFon-Moscow ";
- 200 (Federal Room) or 500 (direct number) minutes of calls included in the monthly subscription fee;
- SMS for $ 0.03
- Traditionally low roaming rates (Russia at $ 0,15; 175 countries from $ 0.56);
- Mobile Internet, MMS, mobile TV and more than 100 services;
- Special information services are available only to subscribers FASHION.
MTS.SMS: The long-awaited fare for people who do not speak and would not speak
In connection with the advent of the new tariff would be interesting to learn about the prospect of GPRS in other areas of Russia, and on the outskirts of Moscow region. No accurate data, but some signs are encouraging. For example, five days ago near a village in the Ryazan region smartphone suddenly "caught" GPRS network MTS and then successfully download your mail. Given that many tens of kilometers to and then treasured places GPRS-coverage in the network, they say, and do not smell.
A little puzzling positioning Rate (obvious from the name), but the MTS-marketers know better. Although only for sending SMS more logical to buy some prepaid MegaFon and pay three cents per SMS from the start, not after, sent a half thousand (!) Messages. Does that count for a category of subscribers who agree to use the services exclusively MTS.
B + BOOM: Put yourself on the counter!
Something BeeLine pulled on sounding titles - Time, Hit, boom ... I do not otherwise, the following tariff will be some "BACH", or God forbid ... no, better do not dream - because after all, nakarkat possible. Naked eye visible focus of tariff on consumers 'popular' super-Jeans: a uniform price of $ 0.16 for all outgoing and local incoming calls, free caller ID to the end of 2004, free incoming from any mobile in the Moscow region, a free 5-second threshold on the outside (on the Outgoing threshold NO!), five cents per SMS, per-second billing from the second minute. View Rates here and now of significant differences.Main novelty - a "floating" charging time depends on the conversation. The second minute of conversation will be charged at $ 0.08 (half the cost), the third and all subsequent - $ 0.02 per minute. Unconventional solution for prepaid-fare, seems to be based malogovoryaschih subscribers. However, the statistics connections at all GSM-operators indicates a clear preference for prepaid-boxes bulk of new subscribers, including very active in consuming mobile communications. Let's not forget about the time of the year: BBC + BOOM is a very good option "temporary home" (ie, suburban) phone on the summer-autumn period. Advantages of the new tariff:
- "Floating tariffication" (see above);
- Cheap calls from / to PSTN
- The surviving five favorite numbers - an important plus, and again, "garden" orientation. For example, a six-minute communication with zalyubimenym "MGTS subscribers (while talking on a normal city phone) will cost 8 +4 +1 +1 +1 +1 = $ 0.16 - a figure you do not like?
- Bonus of 15% (or more precisely, 13% discount on all services) acts on this TA.
- Free Caller ID (until the end of the year) - unobtrusive incentive to move the boom?
- The appearance of the term of the payments. The new TA reappeared terms of the cards / payments, that the habit is even slightly shocking - got used to the "eternal" validity. Perhaps into account the experience of the Moscow MegaFon, believe in the "take a lot of cheap communications, but it's so good for regular pay."
- Removed the cheapest on-net outgoing - some subscribers to switch to Bi + BOOM will unprofitable.
- The super-soft 2 cents (with a third minute) are valid until September 30 - it is quite logical (end of summer season), but disappoint fans plenty to talk on your mobile.
Now, about the transition. Funny, but true: prepaid-platform makes it possible (yet allows?) Freely and comfortably walk between the rates - just dial the free service number.That is, in principle, it is not forbidden to a long conversation with MGTS subscribers "to run" on the boom, and after talking back to the "Time" and continue to call colleagues on the network. Or go with a boom in "Time" before the expiry of the payment and calmly dovygovorit balance. It is true that every time such a transition will have to re-connect the caller ID (mapped favorite numbers like preserved intact). While advising such jumps will not: in most cases this is enough zamorochnaya procedure will give a microscopic savings, and to cover this possibility may at any time.