Overview of accessories from the company Motorola - Motorola D200 and Motorola P970

Overview of accessories from the company Motorola - Motorola D200 and Motorola P970 Motorola is not now have such an extensive line of the accessory, such as Nokia or Sony Ericsson, in fact, there is everything necessary "for life" plus some "frills" - embedded in clothing sets, for example. However, this year the situation is changing dramatically, there are two new stereo headsets, a few interesting mono-making (eg, Miniblue H9), the company quietly beginning to understand that aksessuarika is of great importance. I just pray that that there be a group of employees of the company that finally understands that the market launch of a music phone, the kit you need to put high-quality headset, rather than the hackneyed "hammers," from which the earache, but their quality is a smile . Yes, complete with the Motorola S705 headphones are great, I say without equivocation, but they have a short cable (need extension), they can not be purchased separately, and in any case, for use with most phones will have to use an adapter to MiniUSB.

Banal situation, it would seem: I recently took a mission phone Motorola K3, which I love.

Overview of accessories from the company Motorola - Motorola D200 and Motorola P970
For what I love? Well, it's hard to explain, something it has a sort of. Firstly, it does not look like K1, there is no single drop of any glass "ceiling" and feminine airy design is very clear and concise. Secondly, the devil lurks in the details and the details are such that the flip screen is cool under a grid, the bottom end with holes in the gritty, and the metal back cover is covered by some zdorovskim semi-soft plastic. Third, in a closed state apparatus is small and in the open is long enough that during a conversation does not feel the slightest discomfort. In general, this is my cockroaches and my love that I will carry in my heart, not yet played enough. However, as it listening to music? Well I, I Gorbushka backyard, literally an hour I managed to find the desired adapter to hook up a headset from the S705 and enjoy the music. But here is what will be the people from whom Gorbushka far? To say that small adapter which is sold - to say nothing. Then why not just put it in a box with the phone, appreciation would be insignificant ...

In general, all the above - it is pronounced softly cry for company representatives from all music lovers, fans of the phones from the fathers of mobile communications. A continuation of the slogan will be: Gentlemen, please, make a normal headset for phones Motorola! I was insanely happy when packed with the Samsung F300 included normal "gag" and not "ipodopodobnye" or else God knows what headphones. Motorola has a chance to work in this field with virtually any manufacturer of audio, it's time to close this glaring loophole that confuses many consumers. If you want, I can even bring a little timing, or how companies are aware that consumers do not inoplanetyanskie, and normal human ears. " See:

2005 - headset comes with a loose headset Sony Ericsson HPM-70 for a new line of phones Walkman, first comes only in conjunction with the W800, then appears in the free market. The headset is made on the basis of headphones Sony's MDR, later based on it made the headset with remote control.

Overview of accessories from the company Motorola - Motorola D200 and Motorola P970
2006 - Appears Nokia HS-20 set with loose headsets for the Nokia 3250. It is worth remembering and a wireless stereo headset Nokia BH-500 with high-quality earphones, and Sony Ericsson DS-970.

Overview of accessories from the company Motorola - Motorola D200 and Motorola P970
Overview of accessories from the company Motorola - Motorola D200 and Motorola P970
Year 2007 - modified Headset Sony Ericsson HPM-75, entered the market in early 2007. Nokia company is very good headset with remote control included with the Nokia 5700. Samsung has created removable headphones, first appeared complete with a music phone F300. Well, Motorola's market appears very good wireless headset Motorola S705 with good headphones.

Overview of accessories from the company Motorola - Motorola D200 and Motorola P970
Late 2007 - Motorola adds a set of musical devices with a headset created in collaboration with a major manufacturer of audio enhancements ????? Or it will remain a dream?

Hopefully, that dream came true the same in life. In the meantime, let's get back to today's accessory - a Motorola charger and audio adapter for the laptop. Let's start with first things.

Overview of accessories from the company Motorola - Motorola D200 and Motorola P970
Overview of accessories from the company Motorola - Motorola D200 and Motorola P970
We have already talked about emergency chargers here in this article, therefore I will not be repeated. P970 - it is such an accessory, in fact, he charges, any gadgets equipped with built-miniUSB. As you can see, the design of this amusing shtukentsii very reminiscent of the sea hewn stone, that is to say, the effects of phone Motorola PEBL. On a smooth body with soft-touch plastic is not so and a lot of things: there is a lever, the movement of which we put forward the connector below it - a small indicator on the back side is a miniUSB connector for charging. Before use, charge the charger itself (who pobreet barber?), Then you can safely put it in a bag and go about his business. Built-in battery - 1700 mAh, not so much, but at least one full charge the phone will suffice. Then, at the right moment (when the phone is discharged or something like that) you push the plug easy movement of arms, lights up. Equally flick of the wrist insert the plug into the phone, and charging starts. Incidentally, it is clear that you can paste the Thing is not only a phone Motorola, but also in a great variety of smartphones and communicators based on Windows Mobile, yes, and any other equipment, too. Cool? Yes, quite. Having the device on Friday, I had thoroughly charge and took with him to the cottage, where it is useful to me the first evening after a long conversation with a forgotten friend. Yes, and S705 thoroughly drained after a couple of hours of music per day.In general, as shown by field experiments, charging enough for it to lead to vigorous state, and phone and headset, and apparently even that is not drained the battery device to zero. Disassemble the P970 and see what was inside, I unfortunately can not, you do not dvuhsotrublevy JumpIt. Thing from Motorola will be worth, I think, about two thousand. Is it worth it? Yes, yes and yes again. Mnogogovoryaschie subscribers will appreciate and a nice size and light weight, and capacity battery, which, in principle, a couple of times to revive discharged battery in your phone or PDA.

Overview of accessories from the company Motorola - Motorola D200 and Motorola P970
Overview of accessories from the company Motorola - Motorola D200 and Motorola P970
Overview of accessories from the company Motorola - Motorola D200 and Motorola P970
Overview of accessories from the company Motorola - Motorola D200 and Motorola P970
Overview of accessories from the company Motorola - Motorola D200 and Motorola P970
Overview of accessories from the company Motorola - Motorola D200 and Motorola P970
Overview of accessories from the company Motorola - Motorola D200 and Motorola P970
Another trick in this article - Audio Computer Motorola D200. In fact, it is a complete analogue of Nokia AD-47W comes with Nokia BH-500.

Overview of accessories from the company Motorola - Motorola D200 and Motorola P970
All the same functions, and the design is very similar, most likely it is the same dongle in a different plastic. What to do with it? I must say that without a wireless stereo headset, he is absolutely useless, and that's it ... Now, insert the dongle in the USB-port on your laptop or PC, enter the headset in pairing mode, press the button at the end of the dongle, while the blue circle on it is blinking. Now we need to wait for a few seconds (about ten), and this headset is "seen" adapter. Well now you can safely listen to music without wires, use the full control on the headset.

Video, an example of the (87,3 mb, mpeg)

Overview of accessories from the company Motorola - Motorola D200 and Motorola P970
Overview of accessories from the company Motorola - Motorola D200 and Motorola P970
At the moment I have found during trials Samsung Q1, it's how you know, one of the first series UMPC. That's it, I decided to make a slightly plump MP3-player with the audio adapter. In general, everything turned out the best way possible, but there are a couple of points about which I can not say. I used two sets with an adapter - SonyEricsson HBH DS-970 and Motorola S-705, the second definition is better suited for this purpose, as louder and more juicy plays music, works longer. Product from SE is not even enough for four hours listening to, perhaps, this was my fault - the headset for almost a year of heavy use, the battery is not the same. On her screen is, incidentally, the title track when connected to a laptop is not displayed. Findings here might be: if you buy a wireless headset for use with a laptop, it is highly recommend to come to the salon and try to "priattachit" it to your machine in order to know exactly, normally it is playing or not. When used with the phone sound very, very different, and if you already have a great game golubozubye "ears", then does not the fact that the laptop they will be too great. The second point - the design of the dongle. See how it's great and proudly sticking forward. Of course, I understand that designers can not accommodate the interests of individual Sergei Kuzmin, who contrived to insert their offspring in the UMPC and walk with him to listen to music on the street. However, just such clever people can be found in time very much, and is sticking a miracle really, really disturbs. I do not go with a big bag, I walk with a little, because even in this small bag of good little adapter will not fit. What are my options? The most obvious - put in an adapter kit with a hinge, so I've seen, for example, Wi-Fi-adapter from Asus (my colleagues know, as I have their "love"), then it will be possible to squeeze dongle to the wall, and it will no longer bulge . More radical solution - change the whole design things, make it some semi-circular or even (God forbid) hemispherical.

Overview of accessories from the company Motorola - Motorola D200 and Motorola P970
Overview of accessories from the company Motorola - Motorola D200 and Motorola P970
Generally, as long as I Kolupaev dongle, to me, as always, came up with an interesting idea. In the near future when the market will be the next generation of UMPC (work days, an even smaller size, increased performance, faster boot times, etc.), and the CCP would completely disappear as a class, the need for regular music USB-additives will be greater than ever before. And here I would have two hands voted for external music card with built-in 3.5 and the ability to broadcast audio to wireless headsets or headphones.I recall that in the format of such musical PCMCI card is a Creative, a number of other companies, so why in the future not to do it in the "bottle" for the USB?

Overview of accessories from the company Motorola - Motorola D200 and Motorola P970
Overview of accessories from the company Motorola - Motorola D200 and Motorola P970
Yes, you can ask me: why do need an adapter if the same Samsung Q1 is a built-in Bluetooth, and can adjust it perfectly dispense with Motorola D200? Yes, that can be done. But the simplicity is that its reach - while you are there will be connecting the headset to change the profiles in "Sounds and alerts", a hundred times already, I'll listen to music.

Couple today's stuff - it's not all new companies, yet I had not considered the adapter from Motorola for the iPod, but that's another story for another section.

Yes, in the end should be lightly cast a fiery glance market and figure out whether to use the popularity of the aforementioned devices. A similar sound box from Nokia separately from the headset until it is sold, so that Motorola & & & may well be on the market in splendid isolation. Demand will not be large, since the consumer still needs to carefully explain what it is and what it eats. But the charger has no analogues and may be useful to many owners of all sorts of different gadgets with built-in miniUSB (and all of them and not listed).