Overview of automotive FM-transmitter UNIPlayer 3.1

Overview of automotive FM-transmitter UNIPlayer 3.1

Package Contents:

  • Transmitter
  • Cable jack 2.5 - jack 3.5 mm
  • Brief instruction in Russian and English
What is an FM-transmitter, and for what it is, I think it is not necessary to explain these devices for quite some time on the market, and many of them heard, and someone may have used or uses them. In today's review will focus on the device is not for a wide range of users, and focused only on motorists, namely UNIPlayer 3.1.

Overview of automotive FM-transmitter UNIPlayer 3.1
When I was told to test the device, I, frankly, glad, since I solved my longstanding problem, namely how to listen to new tracks, downloaded from our editor section "Personal Audio" Sasha Dembowski. No, of course, there were options before, for example, immediately write down the tracks on the disc, but, first, it takes some time, and secondly, the volume of new compositions was relatively small. Most of the innovations from Sasha, I got a couple of tracks of 100 MB each, and for them to spend an entire disc is not wanted, but sometimes did not have at hand is not something that a blank disc, but a laptop. And where is mostly downloaded tracks? That's right, for those carriers that many are almost always with him, it's USB-flash drive, memory card or a player. Someone might say that the sale is the car radio with USB ports for flash drives or with slots for memory cards, there is a recorder with linear connectors, where you can plug in any player. But here in my car radio is not such as to buy a new, honest, no special desire. So in my case, FM-transmitter is a fairly easy access and also easy for the budget. For some motorists the transmitter can be a good yield in the case cassette recorder just does not read MP3-files, since buying and installing a new radio - not exactly cheap pleasure.

Overview of automotive FM-transmitter UNIPlayer 3.1
Model UNIPlayer 3.1 - is a small FM-transmitter, capable of reproducing data from such media as USB-flash memory card format SD / MMC, as well as any other device connected to the universal analog audio connector jack 2.5 mm. The transmitter consists of two units: the main unit and plug for car cigarette lighter. Self-powered devices have not provided, it can only be powered by onboard slot car. In this paper only on the vehicle network has both pluses and minuses. The advantages include ease of connectivity and reduce the ultimate cost of the product. But the drawback is attributed to the fact that often many drivers cigarette lighter socket in use by another device. For example, I periodically connect to his GPS-navigator, or put to charge the phone.Now, if the manufacturer has implemented a transmitter opportunity to supply not only from the network, but also on the batteries, it would give him that extra edge.

Overview of automotive FM-transmitter UNIPlayer 3.1
Overview of automotive FM-transmitter UNIPlayer 3.1
Once you connect the transmitter to the network, it immediately begins to work, since no switches are not provided.

Overview of automotive FM-transmitter UNIPlayer 3.1
Block is made of quality plastic in black or white. Lacquer coating, so that the device quickly zalyapyvaetsya, but at least on the white block is not so strongly evident. On the design is nothing special to say impossible, it's pretty neutral, so that the transmitter perfectly looked in the cabin of any car.

Overview of automotive FM-transmitter UNIPlayer 3.1
Overview of automotive FM-transmitter UNIPlayer 3.1
The main unit is attached to the connector on the hinge, which has six positions on the vertical. It is a pity that the movement is only in one plane, I would like to block can be adjusted not only vertically but also horizontally. Just when the cigarette lighter in your car is a little away from the driver, when using the device there is a desire to turn the unit a little to himself, because otherwise use it not very convenient.

The main unit bears the above connections, as well as a small two-line monochrome display and control buttons. Display, to be honest, useful only when the initial installation, as it allows to see information on a given frequency broadcasting. In addition to this information, it certainly shows there are other data, such as the number of tracks, playing track number and title (the Russian-language tags are not displayed correctly). But that's on the move to consider this information is already difficult, except that it will be useful to your passenger.

The display has white backlight, but, again, the good of her little, since it is rather dull.

Overview of automotive FM-transmitter UNIPlayer 3.1
The keys are large, are terraced close to each other, enjoy them even to touch comfortably, it is especially important during the movement. The only thing that keys are made of plastic, and working with them a sense that they are hollow inside, it's pretty bad, and does not give a sense of security. When you work with the keys gives the impression that in the hands of the cheapest Chinese handicrafts, which fall apart if you push it a little stronger.The keys tight, pressing clearly recorded.

Overview of automotive FM-transmitter UNIPlayer 3.1
Managing keys on the device is carried out if the source is a USB-flash or SD / MMC-Card, when connected to an analog connector, for example, the player control from the device to work for obvious reasons will not.

Overview of automotive FM-transmitter UNIPlayer 3.1
Overview of automotive FM-transmitter UNIPlayer 3.1
Connecting and setting up the transmitter does not cause any problems. Is connected to the media, insert it into the cigarette lighter socket, select the transmitter FM-frequency (from 87.7 to 89.1 and from 106.7 to 107.9 in increments of 0.2 MHz), setting up a selected frequency on the cassette car and everything. Now you can listen to the MP3-tracks through the car speakers.

Overview of automotive FM-transmitter UNIPlayer 3.1
Overview of automotive FM-transmitter UNIPlayer 3.1
It is worth saying a few words about the quality of the transmitter. Go tell that to expect high quality from this unit is not necessary, transfer the music is quite normal, but no more. Personally, I listen with him just the new tracks, which are very well want to hear them all at once rather than wait until doedu to the house, but now for constant listening to music through him, I personally do not have enough quality. Transmitter plays tracks in MP3 format with any bit rate, but the final quality of playback is virtually no effect. Compositions can be placed anywhere in your vehicle, the transmitter will scan all the folders and find all files in MP3. The device can simultaneously work with both USB-flash and memory card. During testing there was a problem with the operation of the device at the Moscow Ring Road, periodically occurring disturbances, apparently, something is jammed signal. But in most cases, the signal transmitted without interference.

Overview of automotive FM-transmitter UNIPlayer 3.1
Overview of automotive FM-transmitter UNIPlayer 3.1
The manufacturer claims that in UNIPlayer 3.1 new transmitter that can transmit a signal over a distance of 30 meters. What is the distance for such a device - for me remains a mystery, as when using in-car distance is much smaller than claimed.


The device is quite attractive for those who like to occasionally listen to new tracks in MP3-car. With a price of 1800 rubles UNIPlayer 3.1 can also be a great gift.Even if a person will use the device from time to time, it's not so scary, because it's small in size and easily fits in the glove compartment without taking up much space there, but if necessary we can always indulge in listening to the MP3-tracks with different carriers. I, frankly, lacking in UNIPlayer only opportunities to work on batteries, but otherwise he had me completely untenable. Of course, one can find fault and to the display, but here is to build on that during the installation of a large and high-quality display increased price of the device, as well as its dimensions.

Competitors at the device enough, it and transmitters for some specific devices, for example, players, and the same universal transmitters. Advantage UNIPlayer 3.1 is a small price and the possibility of using different carriers. Although surely someone can find a more suitable option for themselves for a comparable unit cost.