Connection fee: converged on it is worth fifty dollars

Connection fee: converged on it is worth fifty dollars Here and there what we were looking forward to: all the operators of the Big Three introduced a fee for connection to most of the most popular fares. In terms of specific figures, the operators here have demonstrated a surprising unanimity in the Moscow region by setting the CCD at a rate of 0.5 rubles per outgoing call. At first glance, higher prices is negligible (only a 50 cents per call), but in some cases price increases in the percentage would be significant.

The first of the coming introduction of CCD MTS announced shortly exact figures named Beeline - The news site is dated July 17. In the best tradition of proper marketing news CCD hidden in the middle of the brightly-text optimistic about the benefits of the ruble rate, which fee is not entered. As for the dollar rates, the original wording of news you want to quote:

"If you stay true to their U.S. dollar rate, we hope that with the abolition of fees for incoming calls to your communication has become even more diverse, and your communication costs considerably reduced. According to our estimates, not increase them, and taking into account fees for the first 3 seconds the connection will be introduced at some dollar fares from July 31 to August 17. You are only charged for a local outgoing call, which lasts three or more seconds, and will not be for long distance, international calls and roaming calls. In this case, we can guarantee that it is not exceed 50 cents including VAT, and the connection duration of less than three seconds remain traditionally free. "

The origin and meaning of the phrase about the introduction of fees for the first 3 seconds to figure out the connection failed, they wanted to say - is unclear. In fact, the Act provided for a three-second guard interval has not been canceled and not going to cancel. All the "victims" are sent to subscribers of SMS-warning, so that future price increases will be no surprise. We draw attention to the fact that the CCD is not entered on the ruble, corporate and unlimited tariffs, as well as on the tariffs with free minutes. CCD will also not charge for roaming calls and long distance / international calls from your home network. The size of the CCD in the Moscow region - 50 cents.

News from the MTS read here, everything in detail and clearly set out, without any marketing tricks and fancy language. There is also a reference to the size of the CCD in different regions, in the Moscow license zone fee will be 1.5 cents excluding VAT (slightly less than 51 pennies). As in the Beeline, the CCD does not apply to the ruble, corporate and unlimited tariffs, but the TA with free minutes will be taken after a CCD vygovarivaniya package. In roaming, the CCD is not taken, but for long-distance and international calls CCD decided not to cancel. Interestingly, in the list are not affected tariffs present TA "Guest" and "Universal". And if the "guest" all clear (a temporary action and not have long to live it), then hit "Universal in this list is puzzling. However, remember that the connection fee in the" universal "has already been formally introduced, the cost of the first minute (16 cents) was conditionally divided into 8 8 cents (CCD + cost per minute). Some time ago, this separation from the description of TA was removed, although they forgot to clean up the note (paragraph 5) of the pdf-version of the tariff. Apparently, MTS decided not to pile on the CCD CCD, and yet left in the "universal" as it is.

MegaFon has not yet announced specific figures CCD and a list of "victims" costs, but to come soon, will soon be announced. In the Moscow region, the value of the CCD is expected to be 50 cents, up fee will not be charged while roaming.Tariffs on many archival CCD will not be charged, so it's easier to list the TA, in which the CCD will be: "O'Layt", "Rouble", "Single", "Mobile", "FixLite", "Calling L". It is obvious that the percentage of megafonovsky fifty dollars will be noticeably weightier than the same fifty dollars in the MTS and Beeline. Of course, it is only the assumptions and final conclusions must wait for official information.

Price issue

As we have mentioned, for many customers higher prices will not be perceptible, 5.5 rub. or 6 - the difference is small. Unfortunately, as is the case with other "tricks" era of the introduction of CPP CCD hardest hit by the most economical for subscribers. "Pathetic" 50 cents on the tariffs, "Rouble" and "Jeans HOT" (weekends) mean higher prices vnutriseti first minute and a half times, "Jeans 007, the first minute vnutriseti increases of 21%, the" mobile "- 27% so on. In some cases, suffer, and talked a lot subscribers. For example, the old tariff "Simple Things" (Beeline) noticeably lose its appeal. It is clear that the connection fee is charged only once, but the average duration of a call on a cell is less than a minute, and talk longer than 3 minutes are rare. On the implications of the CCD for our wallets, we wrote at length 10 days ago.

What else you can think of to improve obtaining money from subscribers, not announcing a price rise of communication? You can, for example, enter PZR (disengagement fee) and take the commercials of the ruble and a half extra for each call lasting less than three minutes. No one is forcing pay and advertising would be nice looked: "Now talk for a long time even better!". You can ... no, we will not come up with additional ideas on their head, and without that sad. It seems that free incoming eventually turn the appreciated bond. Marketers of the operators we are constantly assured of the contrary, but these friendly assurances already resemble an ancient anecdote times of socialism: "In our country everything is done for the benefit of people and these people we have even seen."