There was not just news, appropriately changed and a description of the tariff plan "Jeans Universal." It turns out that now "the cost of the first minute is reduced to 0.08 at. Is," and we with you did not even know about fallen down on our heads cheaper! Although happy or upset really have nothing to formally charge the first minutes of outgoing calls (16 cents excluding VAT) is now divided into two components: 8 cents per minute plus 8 cents for the fact of the connection.
Sooner or later we will learn about the causes of appearance does not change the CCD in the "universal", is much more interesting fact. What are the potential benefits and advantages to the operator gives the notorious "fee"?
- My first thought - the operator can try this way to circumvent the statutory protective three-second interval. Perhaps, but unlikely, because Ministry of Communications is unlikely to allow such an arbitrary interpretation of the law.
- A powerful and flexible marketing tool. On the example of the new TA Beeline we have already seen that the CCD to specify in the advertisement does not necessarily, and without this component of the rate looks much more attractive. Appears to vary widely within a combination of minute price / cost of connection, the operator will be able to collect more money from malogovoryaschih subscribers, and consumers will be more difficult to assess the expected costs and compare competing rates.
- Compensation of free incoming calls.While it is assumed that urban subscribers of fixed networks with the first of July will be paying for their calls to mobile phones and mobile operators of this money will receive. If it does not pay or will certainly be inadequate, mobile operators will have to seek other sources of compensation. Those are only two sources: increasing rates for outgoing connection and / or the introduction of CCD for city calls. In the case of the CCD principle of free incoming calls is violated, however theoretical and Communications Ministry could accept such a partial retreat from the principle of CPP in exchange for maintaining social and low tariffs for urban telephone.