MegaFon is called? New Line contracted rates

MegaFon is called? New Line contracted rates Starting tomorrow, MegaFon-Moscow renews its range of contractual rates. The new TA will receive the word "Challenge" in the title - this one could guess from the pre-street, and TV-commercials. Connect to existing TA today is still possible, but at midnight on October 9 activation contracts for "old" rates will be closed. Please find a new line with the rates and decide: Escape to the dealer to enter into a contract or wait quietly on Monday. For existing contract customers, nothing changes, they will still be serviced by its tariff. Closed to new connections following tariff plans: Reception Private, Friendly Reception, Reception Business, Unlimited, one to one, FixL. Since the information was not published officially MegaFon, there may be some minor refinements. Although I doubt it.

See a full list of new tariffs, with all their characteristics

MegaFon is called? New Line contracted rates

Radical differences of the new line:

  • Single entity names. The combined portfolio has got TA Challenge L ", free incoming only with federal mobile region. Controversial innovation, the former group "Acceptance" seemed more logical (all members - free). On the other hand, with the introduction of administrative CPP (calling party pays - pays for only the calling party), such a division would lose meaning.
  • The sharp decline in prices of minutes of outgoing calls to PSTN - perhaps the main attractive feature, especially for younger TP price range. About a radical reduction should be remembered when comparing the other parameters.
  • There are "loved rates for calls a 50% discount.
  • The emergence of new principles for outgoing connection: "Every second minute for a call for free." Slightly mysterious and strange looks. However, spare marketers: repeat not want to repeat the competitors - is doubly undesirable. Have all the time to invent new moves and language. It seems that the resource options have virtually exhausted - think exotic "You pay only for the last minute!". But with each second of free minutes "are not all so simple and we'll talk about separately.
  • Go to the per-minute tariff (non-per-second billing from the second minute).
  • Direct dial number is now possible to "fasten your seat-only fares for the senior price groups.
  • The regular Cum Initiative 5 MB of GPRS-traffic for free, free traffic is no longer available.
  • Cancel virtually free long-distance communication.In Tariff "Acceptance of Business" calls on Russia not billed within 400 included in the package of minutes of outgoing calls, and now have to pay for long-distance at all TP line, "Calling."
  • 1 cent more expensive SMS
  • Appeared non tariffing interval of 3 seconds
  • Parallel ruble prices

Do not think of seconds down

The apparent promotion and marketing application - we give you half the cost of your call! - No direct sound, but it is understood. Although fully correspond to reality only in cases of sufficiently long calls (more than four minutes). Such conversations a lot, but the statistical majority of mobile communication fits into the framework of two to four minutes. Along with the donation every second minute lifted second tariff in the second minute, here is harmless, and arming the calculator to estimate how much that goes in the bottom line. Spent three hours of intimacy with the detail and logs a smartphone, something that has learned. Intricately-homegrown method of calculation will not be published, because I do not want to bring on a fair criticism of professionals. In addition, the result is highly dependent on the particular subscriber profile and scope of the use of mobile communications. You can try to conditionally highlight some main categories / ranges such as notice-info (coming soon) - a business conversation - unhurried communication (conversation "for zhist"), calculate the approximate proportions and ratios to work out, but it's fun, I leave it to our inquisitive readers . In my particular case, the savings from each second of free minutes would have been about 23% compared with the usual posekundkoy in the second minute. In general, much more profitable, although certainly not twice. Summary: It is the right marketing approach. Customers are not confused, all honest, and "two times cheaper than" no one promised - this we have set for ourselves think up reading about every other free moment.

Positive ruble

It is unclear how calls will be charged this year, but the general trend of transition for the ruble is very happy. Recall: from 1 January 2006 the whole system of rating services in MegaFon-Moscow "is translated from the conventional units on the Russian ruble, and the VAT is already included in all prices. Long overdue and a special thank you MegaFon for this initiative in the Moscow market. From a marketing standpoint the decision is not the most advantageous, when converted tariff competition the consumer will often forget about the VAT and the prices of other operators may seem lower than they actually are.

Get to know everyone in the comparison

Let's try to make Cutting the freshly-arrived African animal carcasses and to compare an elephant with a prehistoric mammoth. Although it is a very thankless task, all operators of its new tariffs deliberately built in such a way as to hamper a direct comparison. For example, how to evaluate / compare 5 MB of GPRS-traffic? For some it means spending $ 1 per month, while someone these gift MB he has never used and is not going to. Even harder in the second free minutes and a simultaneous rejection of posekundki here each have their own estimate for a correction factor to the price of a minute. New temporary action MTS (Jeans-open) is also not easy task, but because of its time, we still restrict ourselves to a permanent solution.Finally, we are not yet familiar with the new autumn offers on contract rulers Beeline and MTS, which also should be considered in light of the new range of MegaFon's competitors will have to seriously think about numbers. Prices are in USD (USD), excluding VAT.

MegaFon is called? New Line contracted rates
  1. The cost of SIM-card = 0, many dealers and in the offices of MegaFon in the presence of a discount card "Six sevens"
  2. At night
As a short summary of the comparison "Receiving Private" and "The Challenge XL":

The new tariff was balanced by sharply depreciating outgoing rate looks very attractive for personal use. 100 included minutes from the bag disappeared, but leave them at double or triple cheapened outgoing minute would be too "sweet." We can say that TA has ceased to be an extremely sharpened by inbound links, and people will not grasp at another SIM-card if necessary call.

The new elephant in the conventional herd

As we have already written, "The Challenge of L" is clearly from another company's tariff, although there are similarities with other TAs new line there. Will not go into detailed analysis, just give a brief summary:

Balanced budget contracted rates with more "goodies" as every other free minutes for calls to federal mobile. Charge, but a cheap call from landline numbers, entering with federal mobile and direct mobile Beeline free. Again, no Olayt-extreme the imbalance city / mobile and harsh terms of payment. In fact, the brother of a twin prepaid-fare "Just", the differences are minimal. Can be formulated as follows: compared to "just" $ 1.5 license fee pay for the contract breed of TA for the second free minutes and is much cheaper long-distance.

Upper line: Some general observations

Unlimited TA Challenge Xtreme "has become noticeably more expensive than the old" unlimited ", but now you can connect to directly, rather than to accumulate 4 months history impeccable behavior on other tariffs. Marketers know better, and the price of the product is determined by the market. They wanted almost to equate the price of the "Extreme" with "exclusive" MTS - equalized (talking about the federal TA). But in place of MegaFon, I would not count on the waiting list who want to connect to the new TA Limit to the federal number. But the line "Extreme" is quite competitive.

Not quite plausible "Welcome Friend" did not reincarnate, probably correctly. His place, and "Acceptance of Business" is "Call 2XL": compared to "business" number of included minutes, down from 400 to 300, but $ 13 reduced fee (Federal Room). Unfortunately, "2XL" under the guise slammed free calls to Russia. But if long-distance calls is relatively small, "2XL" turns out to be much more profitable.