ISoft N19

Naturally, one of the biggest problems of the existing generation iPhone operating system is the lack of multi-tasking for a number of third party applications. Although you can comfortably listen to quite a player to sit on the network and receive mail, you will never get to run and then turn ICQ or Skype. Then, as they say, nothing to add and add, after sales in the network known to you, many suddenly become ardent users of the iPhone, and issues in the mail about multitasking, and other things were added. Confronted with even banal requests: how to configure a connection via Wi-Fi or both, without moving your finger a hundred times, go to the very "top" site. In principle, if we talk about the latter, then this trick is not even known to all users of the device with the experience, and have a whole "tapnut" in the area near the charge indicator. Or also the question: how to call a "mini-player" not to open attachments iPod - just double-click on the button, and here he is before you. All this information is online, there are wonderful articles about the secrets of the iPhone, I think, in the near term is to spend a couple of hours and talk about them again. In the meantime, let's talk about new programs for your favorite phone. True, this time a selection is not very cheerful.