Benchmark for the brain. SPB Brain Evolution

To assess the outcome of any activity it must be with something to compare. If the world of work this assessment is the cash equivalent, then to assess the knowledge and skills were the most convenient points. Without going deeply into the system development of a scale, I note that it works quite well. And each of us can bring a lot of their own examples. Starting with the exams in schools and ending count ratio IQ. But the final score - it's not just the result of your knowledge. During the test the final result of influences and a host of other factors. This ability to think logically, and quickly choose the best result of the actions to solve the problem. Of no less importance and ability to cope with anxiety during the test. Therefore, great importance has regular training. And if for maintaining physical fitness, many are using fitness equipment, for training of mental activity needed another kind of exercise equipment. Smart, if you want. One of the programs of this kind is Brain Evolution of SPB Software House.