Review of Bluetooth-Speaker Motorola EQ5

Review of Bluetooth-Speaker Motorola EQ5

Package Contents:

  • Columns
  • Charger
  • Cable to connect to a laptop
In a recent digest on accessories, I mentioned the two new columns from Motorola, this model EQ5 and EQ7. Then I was not inspired by these devices in any way, I did not have any mental thrill, or any other sensations, perhaps because of the global situation with the mobile unit. See for yourself: cool when there are new accessories, but with what I use them? The same headset S605, the column - it's all very nice when on the shelves of a series of music phones ROKR. At the same time the market can only be found okolomuzykalny Z6, sale E8, which were to begin in March, moved in June. Then there were a full range of accessories for the ROKR, this column, a review of which you are reading now, and headsets (and Bluetooth, and wired), and any such change. By the way, can not but rejoice that the sale there is finally fit for Motorola phones with microUSB, for example, just yesterday I bought my own hands the headset to the original RAZR2. Another "way" - sales of versions of this machine with 2Gb of memory has already begun, this version of the gray and brown colors, I'll use the latter for writing InUse, really want to get high-capacity battery with a special cover (if you can help for money). Well, now let's look at EQ5. I beg your pardon for the mistake in the text of what I call the device EQ7, but it is a different song (literally).