MegaFon is called? New Line contracted rates

MegaFon is called? New Line contracted rates Starting tomorrow, MegaFon-Moscow renews its range of contractual rates. The new TA will receive the word "Challenge" in the title - this one could guess from the pre-street, and TV-commercials. Connect to existing TA today is still possible, but at midnight on October 9 activation contracts for "old" rates will be closed. Please find a new line with the rates and decide: Escape to the dealer to enter into a contract or wait quietly on Monday. For existing contract customers, nothing changes, they will still be serviced by its tariff. Closed to new connections following tariff plans: Reception Private, Friendly Reception, Reception Business, Unlimited, one to one, FixL. Since the information was not published officially MegaFon, there may be some minor refinements. Although I doubt it.