Overview stereo Bluetooth-headset Samsung SBH-900

Overview stereo Bluetooth-headset Samsung SBH-900

Package Contents:

  • Headset
  • Charger
  • Headphones
  • Lace
The market is not so much Bluetooth-set with a radio, a good old Nokia HS-12W, Motorola S605/S705, they all say that is readily available. First, even after three years after the start of sales remains quite expensive, worth about three thousand, but you can find and cheaper. The second was delivered to the market in miniscule amounts. Do all consumers Bluetooth-headset with FM-receiver? Practice shows that the interest of the public is, questions about such devices from time to time arise from our readers on the forum, in the letters. New Headset Samsung SBH-900, quite possibly, will be the answer to these questions. Yes, yes, there is a radio that can listen without having to connect to any device.