MacBook Pro 13: Trinadtsatidyuymovka "

As I have said many times, despite the external similarity between laptops of Apple, each of them has a lot of features, each is unique. The most balanced solution previously pyatnadtsatidyuymovye MacBook Pro, it concerns and characteristics, and some moments that are not marked characteristics. For example, the Air Series notebooks all good for a man who used to wear a computer with me. But the payoff for miniaturization and lightness - the noise, heat, whether performance, to the extent that at times watching the movie turns into a torment. Excellent piece - trinadtsatidyuymovye new MacBook, but for sure you'll quickly realize that the displays they have not really suitable for multimedia, because black is virtually absent. A semnadtsatidyuymovy MacBook Pro, which is like shouting "Play with me, use all the challenges," "please" you have a problem with the graphics driver under heavy loads. Throughout its nuances, everywhere a compromise that does not detract from the main advantages of laptops from Apple. I will try to briefly enumerate them, because quite often on the forum there are people boldly declare platitudes like: "Yes, pay here is not for that, just design and everything!". This is not true.