Direct numbers: old signs and entertaining arithmetic

Direct numbers: old signs and entertaining arithmetic Rumors about the imminent withdrawal from circulation of direct numbers yet still remain rumors. This is not surprising: people, upon which such decisions are themselves willing to use direct numbers. But the financial and administrative tricks operators associated with the legalization of such numbers of subscribers are not always encouraging. One consolation: the scheme seems to be "ustakanilos, and further surprises, not yet in sight.

On the problems of direct numbers, we have written repeatedly, the mobile operator had to solve two major issues: to get more money from subscribers (to compensate for free incoming) and give the scheme of using direct numbers in line with changes in legislation. Both problems are solved successfully to the delight of customers and not wasted on the budget operators. While on the efficiency can not speak: relatively quickly resolved the issue of charging extra money, but the procedure the "correct" (in terms of legislation) clearance ozabochivatsya begin only now, after half a year after 1 January 2006.

Translation of subscribers to cell number in the DEF-code conducted successfully: MTS received a number of the code 985, MegaFon Moscow - in the code 925. In such a scheme existed Beeline initially, most of the direct number is accurate federal understudy in the code 903. Call to direct city number is now formally looks like call forwarding from the main room in DEF-code for an additional city. The question of charging extra money, opinion was divided, each operator has gone his own way. In MegaFon-Moscow did not do anything as a separate fee for the direct number was already embedded in rates. In Beeline decided early on to add $ 6 without VAT to the subscription fee at the existing rates and a separate line rent for the direct number to the new tariff proposals. MTS first tried to leave all paid members, calling it a "pay-per-forwarding service to federal facilities in the city, but eventually came to the same scheme of free incoming calls for a monthly subscription fee of $ 9 without VAT ($ 6 for corporate events). What the operator did not work "fee diversion"? First of all, dissatisfaction with the majority of users and the risk of losing many potential customers, the second - some legal vulnerability of such a scheme. At the same time will not prevent a mandatory fee to those subscribers who talk little, but retain the direct number for the sake of prestige and / or easily get to your mobile phone from any landline. As we explained company president Leonid Melamed, this fee will be counted in the statistics of the MTS as a fee for calls, that is positive impact on ARPU.

Resigning is threatening everyone?

Will all users of direct numbers "to make out relations" with the owners of number capacity? While there is no complete certainty. It is not excluded that leased from fixed network operators numbers will be transferred to cellular companies and then make out nothing will. Another option - drawing in the form of contract-offer, then the process will require only a refusal to use a direct number. At Beeline and MegaFon-Moscow has considered various options, the MTS has already come to grips with updating. Price question for the current stage of execution of contracts with Comstar-UTS - about two and a quarter million dollars monthly fee from users of urban rooms. "Approximately" because for corporate clients rent a third less, and, moreover, the users unlimited TA for the rental rates will not pay.As far as this sum is greater than or less than that charged for forwarding yet? We do not know these things, but marketing and management of MTS probably studied all aspects.

Launched by the MTS procedure reissue direct numbers - a good example, through what may have to undergo cellular subscribers and employees of the company. News text with a description of the procedure read here, the main conclusion of the document - MTS office to visit anyway. Even for the registration of non-use of a direct number. Incidentally, the list of offices (shop) MTS look here, see the "How to become a subscriber, and not in the" support and maintenance. " The term of office visits - until June 30. The text of the news show validity of the Agreement from June 1, but is no contradiction here: This monthly fee is charged entirely to the last day of the month, ie is June 30.

Options for our actions and possible consequences:

  • Visit the shop, prepare and sign a contract-based applications. Positive - continue to use the direct number to continue to not pay for incoming calls. Negative - lose from one hour to three (including time on the road) and start to pay about $ 12 (including VAT) per month.
  • Visit the shop, prepare the rejection of a direct number. Positive - saving about $ 12 (including VAT) per month. Negative - wasting time and from July 1, the usual number. And, most likely, the federal understudy in the code 985 will not leave us, because he will need future owner direct rates. In accordance with the law and signed at the conclusion of the contract "contract" (item 17.2), the operator may replace the old number to another, and the company may well benefit from this right.
  • Ignore the SMS-invitation. Positive - do not lose time in the queue. Negative - doubts about the future of direct number. One possible scenario number 2 (weaning direct number and changing the federal to the other), but it is possible and the number 1 (transition to scheme an additional monthly fee) without signing the papers. In fact, if lawyers MTS will be able to have time to develop an appropriate contract-offer. You can take the risk to wait for a contract-offer, but closer to the end of June, the queue at a shop can be extended considerably.
A little arithmetic. Making a personal office MTS takes 10-15 minutes. Sometimes more, but let the average 12.5. Subtotal 201,000 direct registration numbers should go about 41,875 hours of pure working time office staff. Converted to let 170 staff hours per month we get 246, which during the month to deal exclusively with updating numbers of Comstar UTS. Let the 240 - some of the contracts made for a few days in May, and "packages" of rooms at the general's personal account are made faster. About as many employees as the time and works in all 24 offices of MTS in Moscow, maybe people in the 50-70 more. Interns restructure komstarovskie numbers will not be allowed, and all too many questions can be addressed only by qualified personnel. It is time to invite to this month's staff from other regions. Let 200, not 240, in the light of summer activity decay. Invite you? I doubt it.

Maybe the employees of MTS offices especially not loaded, and re-registration numbers will not affect the quality of service? Unlike then, a few offices in May been seen from the queue waiting time of 20-30 minutes and more. Average time "standing" in the electronic queue for Moscow is unknown, but according to a small survey we dare to suggest the order of 15 minutes. Counting the hours / minutes: 22 offices (in the "Comstar" not engaged), only 7,260 workers office hours in June. Ie to perform the re-registration program in each office only numbers Comstar-UTS has continuously engaged in an average of five qualified professionals. And who will do the rest of the subscribers? It seems that it is no longer an increase in waiting time in queue, and the very possibility of the task on time. Is that from some point begin to distance "rapid re-registration by telephone:" Do you agree? - I agree! - That's good as anything in the case of a look into the office and sign papers. "

These figures may differ from the real, but hardly radical. I do not think that the organizers of this event do not know how to use the calculator, so you can still hope for a successful birth of the contract, an offer or extension of the rescheduling.Another conclusion arises: the month of June - the most opportune time for the development of Internet Assistant, a shop MTS unless absolutely necessary it is better not to walk.

Direct numbers: old signs and entertaining arithmetic

Alternative atavism

Theme direct numbers and changing market realities is rich in amusing incident, rather look around. Take the same dial-up alternative to federal numbers cellular operators, once the service was created especially for pay phones and phones with blocked "eight". After the first of July last year, an alternative dial-up via direct numbers Sotovik blocked for financial reasons, but those signs with numbers and detailed instructions, hang up now. Willfully destroying ads pasted on a daily basis, and those left on the memory of the "good old" times.

For the sake of an experiment called the listed number. Since the late "Sonnet" all clear alternative direct number Beeline gave indifferent short beeps. Having reported the number of MTS 'access to this service via the MTS is not possible "- wonder whether the shot with this money with a calling card call? Funny effect occurs when you try to call the number megaphone: "Now, dial the called telephone number with code 925. Thank you. " I think that followed this recommendation, utter, instead of "Please" completely different word. I wonder how many more years of slack in the wonderful joy of signs on the newcomers?