Tuning "weekend" and how much is unlimited connection

Tuning "weekend" and how much is unlimited connection From tomorrow (October 7) the terms of service MTS "Weekend" change. We introduce a symbolic charging of outgoing calls at a rate of about 15 cents ($ 0.0044 excluding VAT), the same applies to the service, "Night Talk." The news brought the idea to look at the cost of unlimited communication and see how viable the current "hard" contracts.

Announcement of changes in services, "Weekend" and "Night Talk" look here, a detailed description of the "weekend" - here. About "Night Talk" read here. Information about changes has been published as required by law, 10 days before the changes take effect. Recall: After connecting the "holidays" user a modest 32 rubles ($ 0.95 excluding VAT) was able to free to talk to other MTS subscribers in its region on Saturdays and Sundays round the clock, connecting "Night Talk" - for the same 32 rubles a week, free chat from midnight to 8 am. Now, for every minute of the intra-communication will have to pay 15 cents. Probably about the upcoming changes could even guess at the moment when the name "Unlimited Weekends" was changed to "Weekend". 9 rubles per hour conversation - not God knows what charges, however, as they say, "Chicken on a grain of bite." In this case it is important that the service "days off" each time is automatically extended, and not all subscribers will be informed about the beginning of a per-minute billing, there may be some nasty surprises in the form of a phone lock. So do not forget to check the account before traveling out of town on weekends. Also curious about the cost of minutes - seemingly strange and non-circular figure is $ 0.0044, why not $ 0.004 or $ 0.005? However, when converted into local currency, we see that it was $ 0.0044 are the closest to completely round numbers 15 cents, which may be indirect evidence of the coming transition to ruble MTS billing. Another important point - a relatively painless tuning existing services. Psychologically, such a move is seen a lot calmer than the change in the parameters of the tariff plan. By the way, a special student offer "cool" is formalized as an additional service to the tariff plan of RED.

Who wants and needs if at all expensive anlim and contracts?

The average proportion of prepaid-caller has already crossed the line in an impressive 90% of the operators is very concerned about the increase in ARPU in this category of users. Indeed, though the average income of a subscriber contract, and is 5-6 times higher, but buyers are ready "boxes" are ten times more. Accordingly, the tariff offers for prepaid-subscribers are sometimes more interesting to the classic "hard" contracts. It is curious to look at the numbers of proposals for a lot of talking in the Beeline network. Unlimited tariff "Freestyle" will cost us 4707 rubles monthly fee. For the same money on the tariff plan "Spoken" we have four and a half thousand minutes per month or almost 150 minutes of local calls - two and a half hours! - Per day. Similar, if not the best figures we also see in the tariff, "I want to say." Taking into account weekends and holidays to business communication have more than three hours a day, which is clearly too much even for actively talking to a businessman.And if you still remember the holiday trips abroad, during which the subscription fee is unlimited tariff actually wasted? Of the remaining benefits - credit form of payment and personal service owner anlim. And the main advantage of this personal service (instant dial to a contact center) is no longer relevant, as an intelligent system call in any case, skip the queue spends a lot of subscribers. A separate question - contracts with direct dialing, directory services, call-centers, etc., but we're talking about users with the usual profile of mobile communication. Comparison figures for the other contracts is even more interesting: for example, in the tariff plan "Live easily 360" we pay 1,422 rubles for 360 minutes of local outgoing calls, but in the same "spoken" for the money we get 1025 (!) Minutes. Conversion to the other side and do shocking: a reprimand for "Live easily 360" are the same 1,025 minutes we will pay extra 2,250 rubles. One of two things: either the Beeline marketers to focus on prepaid-subscriber, or soon will be a new line of contracted rates. The first assumption seems more likely, because the owners of heavy contracts, most of them do not even think about all sorts of minutiae of tariff and really "live easy". However, the price difference in two or three times all the same, it makes sense to arm calculator and find the money to better use.

It is possible that with a light hand beeline for the market will form a general trend of substitution of contract rates "heavy" prepaid-proposals with the weight fee and a cheap one minute communication. In any case, the MTS has announced new prepaid-fare "Maxi Light" (somewhere in the name of "Light" I have already met, can not remember where) specifically for the Moscow region. Exact parameters are likely to be aware of Oct. 15, but claimed "SPECIAL OFFER for active communication," "handling fee" and "for those who like to talk a lot and appreciate traditional quality of MTS." Appeal to the connoisseurs of the traditional qualities of MTS 'slightly disturbing (in terms of price minutes), but let's not guessing, will soon find out.