Beeline: New Line tariffs formed

The first TP period CPP (Calling Party Pays) has been named "Simply put," and went to the Beeline in late April, our review is here. In the tariff were two important features: the ruble billing and payment for the connection. Then, in late April, was promised a full line of ruble-denominated tariffs. That's waited since June 15 on the market are derived as four (in Moscow - three) of new proposals.

Announcement of a new line and a summary of the press release Beeline:

The line consists of five tariff plans, including which started April 21, 2006 Rates "Simply put," and four new tariff plans: "I want to say," "Family", "Click" and "City", which will be available from June 15, 2006. The main advantages of the new tariffs - a simple billing system, free incoming (including calls from fixed numbers), fixed price in euro, including VAT.

A new range of tariff plans developed based on research interests and preferences of consumers and address the needs of different segments of users.

  • Rate "Family" was created for those who often deals with family Beeline. A key feature of the tariff is 50% discount on calls within the network of "Beeline".
  • Rate "I want to say is designed for active mnogogovoryaschih users. Every day, after a certain number of billable minutes, users are given 90% discount on all subsequent local outgoing calls.
  • Rates "Click" is specifically designed for active users of services based on GPRS and offers a better price on the GPRS-Internet and GPRS-WAP with no monthly fees.
  • Rate "The City", which feature a single price 1.50 rubles. when calling to any local landline number, is aimed at those who often calls to landline numbers. Rates will be available to subscribers of all the regions of "Beeline", except for Moscow. On the tariff plan "City" and the prices in each region, please call the Customer Support Centre - 0611.
On a par with the ruble-denominated tariffs in some areas will continue to operate the dollar rates. A number of services including information and entertainment services, national roaming, as well as service subscriber service except for detail, will continue to be reported in dollars. Their value will be converted into rubles at a fixed internal rate of the Company.

Hurry slowly

The story of the long-awaited line of interesting in itself. Periodically pop up in the network bits of information even gave grounds to assume a kind of "supervised discharge" information, but rather it still had occasional leaks. But fans of extreme sports mobile pleased with the appearance of new short-term rates in Biofise, and some even had time to switch to the new TAs long before their official opening. The first official announcement of the new rates was seen on Monday, June 5 (as we have promised to review the "First") in one of the regional sites of Beeline, a formal presentation of specific figures on 7 June - more than a week before the withdrawal of tariffs on the market. Why was the hurry? We must assume that the decision ahead of time "to let the cat out of bag" was made not just likely, the management of VimpelCom seriously worried about the dynamics of sales of its main competitor. There was no wait and no doubt extremely successful marketing package "First" condemned this new and good rate of MTS on successful sales. Month of June - the last time, when the operators can still attract customers early introduction of free incoming calls and, accordingly, users drag and drop to less profitable for them to per-minute billing. Look at the parameters of a new line of Beeline and try to assess its competitiveness.

Memories of the Future

The main feature of the new tariff line - complete continuity, "svezhevylupivshiesya" Tariffs are a logical continuation of pre-existing tariff proposals. However, with per-minute billing, the ruble incarnation, with "slightly" retouched conditions and all the free incoming. We can say that in Beeline healthy conservatism while striving to win the tariff experiment. Interestingly absence CCD (fee) across the new line-up: on the one hand, the rejection of this marketing ploy dramatically reduces the competitiveness of tariffs, on the other - with appropriate advertising and promotion of competent, "de-excitation" perfidy CCD consumer may think. Of course, in the process will suffer and the new (now old) "Simply put," but Beeline could well afford to finally finish his own sentence for the April to discredit the "First" MTS. The more so that today promote "Simply put," is meaningless: released later tariff MTS is almost an exact copy of its predecessor from Beeline. Do not forget to mention relevant facts, in fact the whole historic milestone: in his "first" MTS actually copied "Simply put a beeline for the structure and all parameters, while reducing cost per minute of conversation. And let the reduction is small, but still no precedents were observed: in competition with Beeline, MTS has traditionally maintained a slightly higher rates, attracting customers voiced commercials, promotions, gifts and time-cheap vnutrisetyu for a fee connection "services". Whether the new approach will result in the trend - it's hard to say, wait for the new tariffs MTS.

Close all market segments without intersections

Strong and weak side at the same time a new line of Beeline - a clear orientation of tariffs on a profile of communication. Universal-neutral rate is practically no: this position could qualify "Simply put," but CCD negates benefits favorite numbers, and the other parameters, "First" of the MTS seems preferable. The remaining TAs clearly segmented: "Family" for half a cheaper vnutriseti (similar to "Time"), "I want to say" for mnogogovoryaschih subscribers (the appreciated analog TA "Simple Things"), "click" for Internet communication. In the lineup there is no analogue of the deservedly-popular "Boom", but let's not forget yet materialized in the Moscow region, the new "City".

Compare prices

The first combination is obvious: compare the main parameters of the "Simply put" (Beeline) and the cut in his image and likeness "First" (MTS). Recall: in these TA cost per minute of outgoing call is one for calls to any mobile network and landline phone, the CCD is present in both rates. Course ue conditionally approved for 27 rubles. All prices include VAT.

"Simply put" (Beeline) "First" (MTS)
License fee no no
Tariffing per minute per minute
Incoming calls (all in the 0 0
Connection fee 02,95 03,50
Outgoing Minute 02,95 02,23
Price one-minute call (outgoing) 05,90 05,73
Price of a two-minute call (outgoing) 8,85 07,96
Price three-minute call (outgoing) 11,80 10,20
Price four-minute call (outgoing) 14,75 12,42
Price of a five-minute call (outgoing) 17,70 14,66
Outgoing SMS-message 01,95 01,91
Fee for a favorite number 0 0
Fee for 2 favorite numbers 02.10 * 30.27 **
Fee for 3 favorite numbers 02.10 * 60.53 **
Fee for 5 favorite numbers 07.00 * It is impossible, max. 3 rooms
Favorite "urban" room No (only Beeline) No (only MTS)
GPRS-Internet (1Mb) 06,95 07,96 / 03,19
GPRS-Wap (per 1Mb) 295,00 254,88
Unlimited Weekends No 63,40
SMS-packets is No
* Daily

** Monthly

The first thing that catches the eye: in the rate of "first" (MTS) - attraction of all parameters to the marketing and advertising 7 cents per minute calls to any numbers, because of this it was necessary to raise the CCD up to 11 cents. Outgoing calls within one minute on virtually the same price in both rates, but with each subsequent minute fare "First" is gradually becoming more profitable. To speak briefly (and there are still a majority) choice of the TA will be determined by sympathy - and his own inner circle - to a particular operator. Favorite room in the MTS look to put it mildly pale. For a considerable monthly fee of 30 rubles. from each favorite number, we obtain the so-called 50% discount, which in reality looks like 4 now. 62 kopecks. instead of 5 USD. 73 kopecks. in the first minute. Ie MTS seriously save on "favorite" can only fans of leisurely conversations with one to three elected. As an option - not to distract from your favorite work, people buy "unlimited weekend and compensate for a five-day radio silence long conversations on Saturdays and Sundays.

Summary: The beneficial side of the tariff "Simply put - your favorite room (unfortunately, only vnutriset); fare" First "- a cheaper minute (starting from the second minute) and the ability to connect unlimited weekends (valuable for truckers).

On the pricing of the new line of Beeline.Features and market segments, we have already discussed, it remains to give specific figures.

"Family" "I want to say" "Click"
License fee 0 0 0
Tariffing per minute per minute per minute
Connection fee no no no
Outgoing call (vnutriset) 02,95 05.95 / 00.60 * 05,95
Outgoing call (the city and a strange network) 05,95 05.95 / 00.60 * 05,95
Outgoing SMS 01,95 01,95 01,95
GPRS-Internet (1 MB) 06,95 06,95 04.95 *
GPRS-Wap (up to 1 MB) 295,00 295,00 195.00 *
Favorite local number is is is
* In Tariff "I want to say" preferential charging of 60 kopecks. per minute begins every day after five tariffed at 05.95 minutes (free incoming minutes does not count). Very effective alternative to expensive unlimited tariffs, especially for those who have a lot of talk every day.

** It is obvious that the tariff is designed for little fans talking in the mobile Internet, or for use in GPRS / EDGE-modem.

Waiver of connection fees and a return to the same principles of charging interest, will be curious to look at the advertising campaign of the new tariffs Beeline. On the other hand, the cat out of the bag is released and the MTS has enough time to prepare for retaliatory proposals. However, if a company wants to abandon marketing advantages CCD - the big question.

How much CPP (Calling Party Pays)

Last label - a comparison of key parameters of existing and new tariffs Beeline. Conversion to U.S. Dollars is executed at a fixed rate Beeline (28.70 rub. $ 1), introduced by the company since 01 June 2006. Quoting the announcement: "The internal rate will be equal to the average dollar exchange rate the Central Bank over the past six months, +1%, amounting to 28.7 rubles. Dollar. Effective date of a new inland course - June 1, 2006. Bills until June 30 2006 inclusive for the provision of telecommunications services in the period of the CBR exchange rate +1%, paid at the CBR exchange rate +1% at the date of payment.Invoices issued after June 30, 2006, must be paid at the rate of 28.7 rubles per 1 U.S. dollar. "

"Family" "Time" "I want to say" "Simple Things"
License fee 0 0 0 0
Tariffing per minute Per-second with a 2-minute per minute Per-second with a 2-minute
Outgoing call (vnutriset) 02,95 03,73 05.95 / 00.60 * 05.42 / 02.71 **
Outgoing call (the city and a strange network) 05,95 07,45 05.95 / 00.60 * 05.42 / 02.71 **
Outgoing SMS 01,95 01,69 01,95 01,69
GPRS-Internet (1 MB) 06,95 06,43 06,95 06,43
GPRS-Wap (up to 1 MB) 295,00 152,40 295,00 152,40
Favorite local number there? is there? is
* The "I want to say" preferential billing after the fifth minute, the latest version of the "simple things" - after the third. But the privileged moment in "I want to say is much cheaper, ie, for many speakers of the new tariff is clearly advantageous, and the parameters closer to closing the connection "Simple Things - 02", which pleases.

As we see, the voice traffic has fallen, but the transition to a per-minute charging compensates for this reduction. SMS-message a little more expensive, mobile Internet access has risen in price considerably. Early to draw final conclusions, since not all parameters of the new tariffs are known, and even reduced the price values ​​may not match those that will be published on June 15. In addition, at first glance inconspicuous tuning can result in substantial additional costs (eg, exclusion of city numbers from a number of potential "favorite"). With interest are waiting for complete information about the new tariffs.