Overview bluetooth-headset Samsung WEP-450

Overview bluetooth-headset Samsung WEP-450

Package Contents:

  • Headset
  • Charger
  • User
Samsung Company in year 2009 will present some really interesting accessories, about which we can say in advance that they are clearly not a mass product. Nevertheless, their appearance is logical and justifiable, technological leadership need to emphasize in any way, just that, and sometimes due to enter into a certain line of goods is clearly not for a mass audience. By the way, if we talk about more mundane things, then next year we'll see a lot of useful and necessary items, from different styluses and seat covers, ending with remote controls for some devices, mounts and so on. And of course, there will be sets in large numbers, including one interesting musical model, which resembles one of the latest car stereo from the SE (the inquisitive reader will immediately understand what light and air it). One of which we consider in this material, called veshchichki WEP-450 is a low-cost high-quality stuff.

Overview bluetooth-headset Samsung WEP-450

Design, construction

Headset thickish, that is what it is. Designers do not seek to disguise the contrary, the angularity of here as if vypyachena, a kind of a return to retro-forms. Multifunction button is round, it is hidden indicator light, glastik on the front panel is glossy, slightly soiled, with the "wrong side" in his usual. Assembly even in the prototype is good, no backlash, no squeaks. I can safely say that even girls can safely use this thing in spite of the thickness, size small - the main thing that was comfortable to wear. I asked several of his acquaintances and friends for opinions about design - not a new opinion, the device is rather like than not. And that's good, in my opinion. My attitude to veshchichki exactly the same. That is, even. Product weighs about ten grams on the ear is not felt. Groove for the strap there, I would recommend the developers to add such things, many motorists and would like to wear them on a strap around his neck, but such opportunities are not. Rare devices come bundled with a strap holder "under the connector, but more of a groove happily forgotten. These things is not good.

Overview bluetooth-headset Samsung WEP-450
Overview bluetooth-headset Samsung WEP-450
Overview bluetooth-headset Samsung WEP-450
Overview bluetooth-headset Samsung WEP-450

Way of wearing, comfort

The headset can be worn with a bow or not, I liked it more with zaushinoy, so she sits on the ear, more reliable, more dense.Immediately tell the girls the speaker may seem widish, therefore, the fair sex veshchichki highly recommend to try on before buying. Bow is not thick, made of high quality, matters not here.

Overview bluetooth-headset Samsung WEP-450


The front panel is a convenient multifunction button, it seems to be slightly concave inwards and therefore feels great in all conditions. She is responsible for answering and hang up the call, switching between the lines, activating voice dialing, switching on and off the headset. Yes, plus the activation of pairing mode, it needs to press and hold the button until the indicator light glows steady blue. Code to interface standard, 0000. At the end settled down volume buttons, they are also convenient. With control of all the normal and logical.

Overview bluetooth-headset Samsung WEP-450
Overview bluetooth-headset Samsung WEP-450

Operating time

Use the connector as the ability to make some of the old models of firm, however, you lose the charger, I would recommend. Then find the original will be a problem. Claimed battery life of six hours of talk time and two hundred hours of standby time, in practice you get about four and a half hours - the battery in my sample need to overclock, then the figure is likely to increase. Even more useless to judge on a prototype that will be in commercial samples. Charged by the network WEP-450 about two hours. If economical use of a single charge you can have enough days to four. For budget headset is quite a good result.

Overview bluetooth-headset Samsung WEP-450
Overview bluetooth-headset Samsung WEP-450

Communication with the phone, sound quality

The headset was tested with Apple iPhone 3G, pairing a fast, reliable connection without disruption. Used by profile 2.0 with EDR, the headset as I connect to the Motorola ZN5, SonyEricsson W705, Samsung INNOV8. Connection problems were not any. Effective range of work in the apartment is about four meters installed call melody enters the loudspeaker when working with devices from Motorola, Samsung, with the rest will have to listen to the "wired" into the headset sounds. They are, in principle, it is quite reasonable, I will not cavil.

Overview bluetooth-headset Samsung WEP-450
Voice quality is quite normal for the device without any additives in the form of "shumodava, two microphones and so on are all quite bearable. When your side proihodit something noisy, then problems arise, the parties complained of background noise, under normal circumstances no excess "background" no. What can not neradovat.


I told you, it's pretty simple trick for men and women, office workers and ordinary mortals. You can use the car, especially if you do not open the windows, can be used in conjunction with a computer for Skype, you can use while you exercise. Approximate price of about a thousand rubles - but I'd like to believe that it will sell for less money. The rest - a nice veshchichki. And beautiful.Competitors have more than enough, cost of products on the market completely, WEP-450 features a nice design, the normal time, a good implementation of other functions.