Megaphone O'Layt: unobtrusive tuning archival Rate

Megaphone O'Layt: unobtrusive tuning archival Rate That it happened what had long dreamed of many hundreds of thousands of subscribers in the popular fare O'Layt: mid-May, decreasing the cost of calls to landline phones in Moscow and Moscow region. But where is the powerful advertising campaign, the news on the official site and other attributes of the money-losing proposition? Try to understand.

Megaphone O'Layt: unobtrusive tuning archival Rate

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As we have previously mentioned, mixed news for some reason, are published on Friday evening, even better - on the eve of holidays. By Monday, the information is buried under a mountain of fresh news and goes unnoticed. But the requirement to publish news stories about the changes two weeks before the changes take effect observed, everything is in order. Platform for the publication also selected the correct: of course it was the newspaper "Evening Moscow" is the most popular and widely read publication among active users of mobile phones.

Reducing the cost of outgoing minutes of local calls from $ 0.191 to $ 0.17 (excluding VAT) is certainly positive news, actually a minute to 3 cents cheaper. The cost of outgoing long distance and international calls is the same ($ 0.191), but this is without compromising very cheap. Rates for incoming local calls are likely to remain unchanged (specify the time of publication could not be), a pleasant surprise is not excluded, but unlikely. A nice gift to the beginning of the summer season, when the absence of an apartment / office phone at hand, willy-nilly, call city of Mobile. But why was added appeal of an already popular fare, much less been closed to direct connections? True, the transition from another TA for $ 23 is still alive, but the number of connecting to O'Laytu so intricate way is negligible.

The mystery - the simultaneous abolition of "bonus" cents on the account during the call duration from minutes to O'Layt with federal mobile on any network. Prize accrual cease to operate from midnight to 8 am. Worsen the conditions of tariff for the already connected users - not very nice and will have consequences for the image of the operator, but in this case, microscopic deteriorating for tens of subscribers (how often do you call the night on a mobile?) More than offset by real benefits for hundreds of thousands. Strange proposal, and at first glance, it is absolutely detrimental to the operator.

"Dog fumbled" it at night artificial inflated balances O'Laytov. Phone with unlimited federal TP ($ 50 Skylink) + computer + simple program = about $ 5 in the accounts of subscribers O'Layt per night. Or about $ 120 a month.Enough to program a continuous set of numbers with a trip on the 63rd second of the "conversation", and so enable avtopodnyatiya tube allows almost any mobile phone. The event is certainly advantageous, because phone with the federal anlim day continue to enjoy as normal. Hence the abolition odnotsentovogo bonus is at night: day phone needs to communicate, not to create a dollar savings accounts O'Layt.

It is doubly insulting that cleverly "earned" money on the balance sheets subsequently spent on calls - to load the network operator statistics worsen and cause it to limit the influx of new subscribers. Ie eventually all be paid from the pockets of other users. The scale of such "activities" are unknown to us, but indirectly on them can be judged by the price you're willing to pay for her termination MegaFon (see above about lowering rates for local calls).

On the actual timing of the action while it is not known, it is quite possible its extension beyond 31 August. By the way, MegaFon nobody forbids closer to "significant" date of May 15 to inform the public about reducing the rates for local calls will be at least some marketing feedback.