WAP-resources for adults or children Trespassing

WAP-resources for adults or children Trespassing More about fifteen years ago, dreaming of a mobile phone to selected units, and a computer at work was not so common attribute. Now both computers and phones prevalent everywhere. With the latest you can get access to global network, where is a myriad of resources devoted to almost all issues. Small unique worldwide network, accessible from the mobile phone is wap-resources, it is specially prepared page. These resources are adapted to display text and images on the small screens of phones. As a result, the wap-pages will not meet the large images in full color, it is usually black and white images, sometimes supporting grayscale. Nevertheless, found many areas where such resources are in demand, this show small city maps online from the phone, the search of background information, as well as erotic and porn resources.

WAP-resources for adults or children Trespassing
Last arose spontaneously in the first stage of supported exclusively by enthusiasts, making them not like each other, something original. The second interesting point that these pages were for-profit, for their show did not have to pay, and so, especially since they were full of advertisements. But times change and now wap-pages with frivolous content is trying to make, and quite successfully. In the headwaters of success lies scheme, which we first saw the personal computer market. Many will recall this game as Strip Poker, which has appeared on the first PC, the winning, you will gradually undress your opponent. In case of success in front of you was a picture of poor quality, any magazine of this kind abounded mass images of higher quality. The reason for the popularity was the combination of two directions - the game and sensuality. It was at that time still a small but growing army of PC users realized that the computer can serve for this kind of entertainment. Most moved by curiosity to a new and wanted to see with my own eyes, and how is it on your computer. After all, in fact, the computer as the device was surrounded by an aura of mystery, all the first years of its existence in the mass market, and programmers in general be elected caste. Taken together, pour the mass into the fire.

The first wave of pornography for mobile devices was based precisely on the curiosity of people who were interested, but how it looks on their phone. Talk about something other than naked curiosity can not be considered as anything on a small monochrome screen of the phone was impossible. Yes, and the number of phones with support for this technology in 2000 was small. Therefore, the appearance of the first resource of this kind has caused a smile from the guardians of morality, they merely shrugged their shoulders and tipped them to a resounding failure, directing all their efforts on combating pornography on the Internet.

Meanwhile, technology is not standing still, there were phones with Greyscale, then with color screens, their resolution has increased, so that the displayed pictures are not thinking the had, they could look calmly. And at this point in the wap-site containing pornography or erotica, money flowed, they were sent to people in their time have created the most successful Internet resources on this topic. The calculation was based on market knowledge and belief in progress. Thus, investment in this sector is unprofitable, at least about 2-3 years, but then they should be recouped in just a year or more just to pay dividends.This is supported by the fact that the phones to acquire color screens, they are perfectly visible, even large images. In the near future class smarftonov greatly increase, which will also give an increase of visitors as a result, profits increase. This can also study the analytic agencies. Thus, Forrester Research forecasts for 2004 revenue growth of pornography on mobile devices (PDAs and mobile phones) to 1 billion dollars worldwide. Unison sounds approval of Merrill Lynch, in its projections to the end of 2003, the number of users of mobile Internet (wap), will exceed the number of people using just the Internet.

Found online wap-site with pornography is easy enough in any search engine, type the appropriate phrase. In the search results you will see tens of thousands of pages, mostly in Italian, German and Swedish, apparently affected by particular laws of these countries. Most sites are applications that sort of advertising to certain sites, as long as they do not offer information for money.

Another thing - all sorts of MMS-services, where you can order a multimedia message on their phone, and money for its receipt will be deducted from your account. In Europe, similar services are offered alongside the operators, and they are quite successful, the cost of messages with animated pictures (the main difference from wap) ranges from 0.5 to 1 Euro. Interestingly, in Russia at Moscow Megafon network has a service called Strawberry, offered here erotic MMS-messages. Number of users of such services worldwide is growing, the slowdown has not yet seen. It just means that each month will appear more like wap-resources, as well as MMS-services. A user how to move, and will move the usual curiosity. Anyway, exactly as long as their hands will not be the phone with a large screen lets you view photos of good quality. But such devices, on the other hand, can safely go in the "big" network, which cancels the need to wap-sites. In the resulting dilemma, the answer is obvious, erotic and pornographic wap-resources will be makeweight to existing sites, to a showcase. But the MMS-services will remain popular for long, as this is a fundamentally different medium.

In the future prosperity of mobile pornography is expected with the advent of third generation networks, which will be possible to transfer data at high speeds. Experts predict 40 percent of all traffic in such networks will account for it on video with offensive content. This suggests that pornography on mobile devices is just beginning his journey. Value pornography and all other resources in the mobile world will be exactly the same as that now on the Internet. Information technologies differ, but its consumers are exactly the same.

This material is not in any way is not an ode to pornography, it's just an attempt to assess the prospects of such resources on mobile devices. We believe, however, that should tell you and that you can find on such resources. The most innocent example of the content is the teaching of the Kama Sutra can be consulted at the following address. http://wwwmmm.free.fr/kamasutra/kamasutra.wml. As mentioned above, to find such resources in the network easily, a large collection of links with descriptions is available here on this page - http://www.mobone.com/dir/category.html?c=79. Its great advantage is that the contents of wap-resources can be found here, in box, wap-emulator, it eliminates the need to type an address on the phone. For completeness, the experiment can later try to view them from the phone. In all cases, you get free access to the pictures for adults, except that their resolution and drawing details are minimal, have to strain your imagination. Another thing archive of erotic stories (http://tagtag.com/sex2txt), here in English you can read the relevant materials free of charge. Russian resources of the wing yet, saytik unit that managed to find, were in one way or another rehash of the West. For those wishing to explore the subject thoroughly and feel all just on yourself, give a couple of typical address, you can dial from the phone keypad in the wap-browser.Here they are - http://www.bbteen.co.uk/index.wml, http://www.wapdrive.com:80/ohmywap.